Tuesday, January 29, 2019

7 Stories Behind the World’s Most Popular Machine Learning Algorithms

Some interesting history.

The Most Amazing Artificial Intelligence Milestones So Far

“Rene Descartes pondered the possibility that machines would one day think and make decisions. While he erroneously decided that they would never be able to talk like humans ..”.
Actually Mr. Forbes you shouldn't be so confident. I think Descartes is still quite a bit ahead of you in the natural intelligence department ....


Google believes its superior AI will be the key to its future

This is one of the articles that started it all. Before this people were talking about Cognitive Computing and the like. Then it was only about AI. Google's star power is bigger than IBM's!

Monday, January 28, 2019

What’s wrong with AI? Try asking a human being

Amazon has apparently abandoned an AI system aimed at automating its recruitment process. The system gave job candidates scores ranging from one to five stars, a bit like shoppers rating products on the 
The trouble was, the program tended to give five stars to men and one star to women. According to Reuters, it “penalised résumés that included the word ‘women’s’, as in ‘women’s chess club captain’” and marked down applicants who had attended women-only colleges.

Convolutional Neural Networks cheatsheet

Stanford introduction to ConvNets and RNNs. Nice explanations and figures.

State of the art in machine learning tasks

Operationalizing the task is key in the language domain. Link